Fine Art Portfolio
The Gates, Central Park
Jared and Hannah's Wedding
Major League XMaverickX
Minnesota And Iowa For 48 Hours
New York To California And Back In 12 Days
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
Random Amsterdam Trip February 2006
Sean Martin Signs
this is hell
New York To California And Back In 12 Days
day 5: new mexico to arizona
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day 5: new mexico to arizona
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day 5: new mexico to arizona
this wa sthe pawn shop outside of the hotel..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and the parking lot next door...
day 5: new mexico to arizona
then we got to new mexico.. and i liked this..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i still liked it 4 feet later..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
thanks, ill keep that in mind..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
i thought this was cute.. and it made me smile for a second..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
kim wante dto spread her grandmothers ashes here..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
so she brought the jew in the church..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
part of mema lives here now..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and were ok with that..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
homegirl was wearing a bikini!
day 5: new mexico to arizona
the clouds were making me see all kinds of things that day..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
we were really wired by this point.. im surprised we were functioning..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
at least everything wasnt flat anymore..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i had things to look at..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
i tried convincing kim things were in the clouds..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
so i just kept taking pictures..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
this looked fake..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
we had really good weather for a while..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i thought we needed to remember that more than the rain wed been hitting for a few days..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
we were singing along to music and laughing by this point..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and kim likes the trains and the fact that they were going through pretty much nowhere
day 5: new mexico to arizona
the train was at least 100 cars long too..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i liked this one so much..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
that i took it again a second later..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
more reflections..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
route 40 gets old really fast..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
like when youre taking it across the whole country
day 5: new mexico to arizona
i dont miss this part of the trip...
day 5: new mexico to arizona
if there was more to talk about id have more things to be putting here..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
long story really short.. our trip was awesome..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i swear there was a shoe in there..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i still have nothing to caption because arizona wasnt that eventful..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
these all looked exactly like this..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
and i thought it was amazing..
day 5: new mexico to arizona
because nothing in downstate new york will ever look like this
day 5: new mexico to arizona
i was blogging.. and it was dark.. but really i blogged when it was light out too