Fine Art Portfolio
The Gates, Central Park
Jared and Hannah's Wedding
Major League XMaverickX
Minnesota And Iowa For 48 Hours
New York To California And Back In 12 Days
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear
Random Amsterdam Trip February 2006
Sean Martin Signs
have heart
the risk taken
Minnesota And Iowa For 48 Hours
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minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
were friends because we like the same music..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
"just forget about the damn green"
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
no guns..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
not worth it..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
still not worth it..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
justins the girl..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
we shoot zombies..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
i could have dealt without the weather..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
..seriously? class it up..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
i had nothing better tod o while we were driving...
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
this doesnt happen in new york..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
people like to iron in the windows in minnesota
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
"hi im wendi.. and this is the creature hatching from my head"
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
my head made really fast, not so great, friends with the corner of a monitor..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
it was snowing in stagger lee [albert lea]
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
bowling and blacklights..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
make me like my shoes even more..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
xwendix + justin + 666 plate = everything that can go wrong - does..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
i made friends...
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
..but it wasnt with the wind..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
yeah marshalltown..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
we almost ran a red light in front of a cop while i was taking this..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
which one of these is not like the other...
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
hy-vee is 24 hours..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
and has an organic section..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
..and bad posters..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
seeing baby mama for $5 at a theatre with a curtain.. amazing..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
alligators and elephants get along really well in iowa apparently..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
i hugged my records on the way home..
minnesota and iowa in 48 hours
and wore glasses because my eye was too swollen for contacts..